
Friday 22 October 2010

Paul The Movie

It's been a while since I've posted on here, coming soon will be a special post about my first month at Uni. Not sure when this will be, there's quite a bit to talk about so it could be another week yet... but don't worry, it will happen!

Anyway, lets get to the point of this post!

I just seen the trailer for 'Paul' which is a movie coming in Feb of next year (that's 2011) starring Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. Yes, I know that's all that really needs to be said but wait! Also starring is Seth Rogen! (voice only) and who doesn't like him?!

Pegg and Frost are the ultimate comedy duo in my eyes, if you don't agree then FUCK YOU!... or just go and watch Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead a couple of more times and then come back. I'm really looking forward to this film (as well as the upcoming Burke and Hare, but more on that another time).

The film follows the lives of two British comic-book geeks (Frost and Pegg) as  they travel across the U.S. One night they get more than they bargained for as they have an encounter with an alien (Seth Rogen) near the infamous Area 51. The alien claims he needs their help, "This is a matter of life and death!". And judging from the trailer it seems they decide to help the chap out. Obviously the geeky duo bump into trouble along the way. Seemingly, Jason Bateman plays some sort of cool agent who is trying to recapture the runaway alien.

It looks like there are quite a few big stars in this movie (seriously, check out the full cast list!), which could make it excellent or it could spoil the Frost-Pegg comedy duo I have come to love from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

However, I'm pretty sure this film will be a success, I fail to see how a Frost-Pegg combo can be anything but hilarious!

To watch the trailer and find out more about the cast Click Here!

Follow [this link] for the Offical UK Movie Page for Paul where there are plenty of lovely videos to watch!

Image taken from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1092026/