
Friday 12 November 2010

Birthday Blog

So, today is my birthday and I'm spending a small minority of it writing this blog (yes, I'm that cool).
It's just a quickie though (that's what she said).
Lets start at the beginning...

This morning I woke up and went off on my way to my Lab session at Uni. It was the usual shit labs usually are, so I left after an hour.
When I got back my beautiful girlfriend was waiting there with my presents and card =D
The presents are actually feking awesome! (As her gifts always are).
She got me:
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
F1 2010

Basically what she has done is ruined my concentration on studying, but how happy I am!  =D (See, smiley face).
You may know that I blogged about F1 2010 shortly before it's release saying how awesome it looks... and it IS! I've been playing it almost all day and it's just, well... AMAZING!
I'll do a full post about it some other day describing it's awesomeness!
Thank You Clair! <3

I also received a present from Simon which was Simon Pegg's autobiography 'Nerd Do Well'.
Obviously due to F1 2010 I've not had chance to properly start to read it yet but I skimmed through it looking at the pictures and a few short paragraphs and I think it's going to be a bloody GREAT read! Can't go wrong with a bit of Pegg! Thanks Simon!

My parents are coming up this Sunday bearing more gifts so.. YEY! So far its been a good day!

And so that's the end of this post now. Was slightly longer than I anticipated, Sorry!

"Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!" - Samwise Gamgee

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