
Sunday 19 September 2010

Halo: Reach Making News for the Wrong Reasons!

A thread was opened on the 14th by a Halo: Reach buyer reporting that he was having trouble getting his Xbox to read his Halo: Reach disc. In the post he claims that a couple of times his 360 even read the disc as being a 'DVD'.

As time has gone by the thread has grown rapidly and is currently 65 pages long, full of people announcing that they are experiencing the same problem.

It seems the majority of the people saying their copy of Reach will not be read by their Xbox are those who have a 'launch' 360. However, other people with launch units have been able to play the game without problems.
The exact reason for the problems is unclear at the moment but anybody experiencing similar problems has been advised to phone Xbox Customer Support.

Have Bungie not been thorough enough through testing?

To view the thread on Bungie.net forums click.....   HERE!!

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